Power In purpose

Empowering Women, Empowering the world!

who we are

Power In Purpose is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to helping women in homeless and dometic violence shelters discover their voices and gain the confidence they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives. Through education, healthcare, economic development and advocacy, we aim to breakdown barriers and provide women with the tools they need to reach their full potential

Our goal is to assist women in medical careers and create a world where women can thrive.

**Be a part of our movement and join us to

empower women to flourish

Women Hanging Out

news and announcements

Let's Celebrate Mothers!

Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties.. Mothers play a important role in our lives. Even if you did not birth a child. Your love, empathy, guidance & mentorship blesses those you nurtured through life.

Romantic ethnic model with white flowers

Self-care is empowerment

May is Mental Health awareness: it is important to recognize specific challenges faced by women in relation to mental health. These challenges can arise from various factors, including biological, social, and cultural influences.

Woman in Pink Shirt Sitting against Green Background

Social Media Rally

Stay Tuned.........

People in a Concert



  • Providing access to education and training programs.
  • Providing resume & interview workshops

Economic Empowerment

Creating economic development opportunities through microloans, training, and mentorship

Health & Wellness

Access to health care services. Mental health support. Offering resources for nutrition programs

Learn More

Women Working Out

reach out to us

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